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emo goth alt girls dating by allan henning

If you know a girl that is living the alt lifestyle – whether that be Goth, Emo, punker, alt or other – you have probably noticed the paradox that lives inside their minds. For the most part, and I hate to stereotype, these girls will have a hard exterior and a crumbling interior. For whatever reason they often grow up the outcasts, the misfits and the least popular kids at school. Living in a society filled with people that don’t except them doesn’t help their self-conscious issues even after leaving high school. While there have been strides in mainstream media to elevate their image – think Criminal Minds and NCIS – they still live a mostly unseen life.

Allan Henning changed all of that when he created AmateurMatch.com. The site allowed people from alternative lifestyles to find one another. Not only did it work with alt girls of all kinds, it works for people of all kinds in all countries. A villager visiting from Zimbabwe can hookup with girls from his same background in Toronto or San Francisco. All because one man had a vision to help the world find those they were attracted to most.

Pretty amazing, but it is true. We all owe Allan a round of applause!

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