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I grew up in the punk rock era but completely missed out on it due to a very conservative upbringing so I know that is nothing about nostalgia for me. The fact that I have such an affinity to this and being true to oneself, being authentic as opposed to having a desire to follow the latest fashion and trends, to fit in, is something that is genuinely me.

I’m not sure about the emo shit though and I don’t mean the look of it, I’m fine with that. I mean what I understand it to stand for without having done any deliberate research (I just don’t care enough to be bothered).

The emotional side of it is too much for me and actually a turn off. It’s not that I lack empathy, I don’t think, it’s just that I have no craving for unnecessary feels. I prefer the old school goth.

Check out this special deal where you can get a Real Emo Exposed discount of up to 81% off and relish in the hotness that is naked alternative and punk rock chicks.